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sodium carbide is a chemical element with the symbol NaC and atomic number 8. This article explains the properties of sodium carbide and some of its uses.
Typical Uses of sodium carbide
It is used in water softening and other processes, such as the production of soap, detergent, and glass. It also is used to prepare acetylene, a fuel and chemical.
Several methods are known for producing sodium carbide. One is by reacting carbon monoxide with metallic sodium and another is by reacting metallic sodium with acetylene.
A preferred method of producing the sodium carbide-carbonate reaction product described above is to rapidly cool a gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide and sodium vapor by passing the mixture into contact with a suitably preheated, heat conductive, solid surface. This results in the condensation of the sodium carbide-carbonate reaction product on said surface.
This process may be a continuous process whereby a mass of’p’reheated steel balls is moved continuously through a container. By controlling the rate at which the balls are moved, the temperature of the steel surface on which the product condenses may be very carefully controlled within very close limits.
sodium carbide is available in many standard and custom sizes. It can be purchased in bulk or granular form, typically as 750 kg FIBCs and 25 kg bags. The granular form is more readily handled in mechanical conveying plant and tends to be preferred by industry. It is shipped and stored in silos or hoppers.