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Copper chromate is a dark green solid. It can be bought or made by mixing copper(II) sulfate with potassium chromate. When passed an electric current through it, the movement of coloured ions is clearly visible. The cations move towards the cathode and the anions away from it, leaving blue copper chromate on the cathode and yellow chromate on the anode. This is a good demonstration to introduce electrolysis and can be used as an introduction to industrial electrolysis of molten salts such as sodium chloride, where the movement of ions in solution are not so obvious.
The structure of black copper chromate (Cu2Cr2O5), an inorganic pigment and copper catalyst with a spinel crystal structure, has been studied by powder X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Iron-doped copper chromate has also been synthesized and analysed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. It shows a clear substitutional pattern and a change in peak shape due to the small ionic radius of the iron compared with that of the replaced copper.
American Elements can supply copper chromate formula in all standard grades when available, including Mil Spec; ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Electronic and Medical Grade; and more. In addition to common sizes, we can produce copper chromate in high purity, submicron and nanopowder forms when required. Please contact us for more information, including pricing and availability.