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aluminum sodium sulfate is a chemical that occurs in multiple industries serving many purposes. Including bug killers for the garden, adding bulk to paper sheets in paper manufacturing and a foaming agent in fire extinguishers.
It is used in water purification plants to remove impurities from water. The chemical reaction between aluminum sulfate and contaminates causes the impurities to solidify and be filtered out.
Contains a toxic acid
When inhaled or touched, aluminum sulfate is a poison. It can burn skin, eyes and lungs. It also irritates the throat and stomach.
This is why it is important to always wear protective clothing and gloves while working with this chemical. It is a hazardous material and should have a special label on the container.
Ingestion of aluminum sulfate will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Inhalation can cause coughing, rashes and a burning feeling on the face.
Symptoms of exposure to this chemical are usually short-lived and mild. However, it can still damage the immune system, kidneys, bladder and lungs.
Affected areas should be flushed and treated with an appropriate antiseptic. If the exposed area is painful, apply an over-the-counter pain reliever.
The symptoms of aluminum sulfate poisoning will typically last about an hour. Ingestion of aluminum sulfate can be fatal in severe cases.
Aluminum sulfate is classified by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) as a hazardous substance. When this chemical is mixed with water, it forms sulfuric acid that can burn the skin and eyes, as well as corrode metals.